Tuesday 21 February 2012

Back and new stuff!

Hey guys! I'm back from vaca! :D It was super fun! I live in Canada, Ontario, so, we went to.....
NIAGARA FALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was super fun! Well, AJHQ has let out a new wallpaper for you jammers:

Looks like those penguins are having some fun!

Cool, huh? And there is a new flag. Right here:
Uruguay is in South America. Look at the sun shine!
So, that's mostly it! By the way, I am letting you guys send Fan Art for Tai Lung's story! Just e-mail me at luvkittyaj@gmail.com and I will post it! Okay! See you guys later!

Jam On!

Saturday 18 February 2012

Leaving tomorrow and CHEESE!

Hey guys! I'm leaving for vaca tomorrow! And, click here to get to a site about.... Cheese.

Friday 17 February 2012


Luvkitty here, Jammers! I'm going on Vacation this weekend. I'll try to post on the blog, but I probley won't. Just a warning!

Thursday 16 February 2012


Yes! There is penguins in Jamma! They're member, but maybe, like seals, they will change to non-member, later in the year. Here's a picture:

They are very cute, and I adore them.

Next, now when you reclyle a animal, you have to pay 1000 gems to re-get a new one to replace it! I don't like this idea, but AJHQ did it. They are the owners of AJ.
Next, there is a new party called the Heatwave Party, in honour of the new penguins:
Yup. I don't have any pictures of the inside, sorry. Animal Jam HQ has also changed Phantom Invasion. Now they come with clothes! Also, the Gold-Based Ones are RARE. So, be proud if you get one. And, instead of fireing colours, you fire one lazer, and you have to aim at the right timing. Here's a picture:

Pretty cool, huh?

Some much new stuff!
Spino11 got a new account! Her username is JubeiTheWolf on Blogger, but she is still Spino11 on AJ. =D
Here's her new profile picture:
My PhotoWhoa! Pawsome Picture, Jubei! (Spino)
Keep Jamming, Jammers!

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Different Looks

Lately, as you can see, the background of my blog has been changing lately. Like Feelers, I am going to test out some backgrounds for my blog.

Monday 6 February 2012

Tai Lung's Story!

Hey guys! If you have seen in my blogger profile, I have a blog called 'Tai Lung's Story'. Please check it out. Here's the link:

Thanks. :D

New BG?

Well, today I came on AJ and went on the daily explorer. I saw there is a new BG! Here it is:

 Nice BG, AJ HQ! It's pretty pawsome! The snow makes it pretty cool! Also, I love the way they dressed up the one horse! A wreath, Angel Wings, and a Unicorn horn! :D Nice work, AJ HQ!

Saturday 4 February 2012

Heart Lockets!

Yuuup! Heart Lockets are back in AJ! (Jam Mart Clothing)
Well, that's mostly it.
Buy One TODAY!



Hey! I have a NEEEEW Signature! Thank you to Feelers, who made it for me! Here it is: